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Welcome to The Alternate Realm

Who Crafts the Tapestry of The AltRealm?
Delve into the heart of The Alternate Realm, a realm sculpted and brought to life by the hands of GameCraft Miniatures (GCmini). With a legacy spanning over 15 illustrious years, GCmini stands tall as a vanguard in the realm of online game stores. Having garnered a devoted following of thousands and adorned the adventurer's path with over 50,000 orders shipped by June 2023, GCmini is a beacon of trust and experience. Guiding this enchanting journey is Allen Rockwell, an embodiment of both lifelong gaming passion and a master artisan in the world of commercial model craftsmanship.

Why Carve a Niche with TheAltRealm?
GCmini's saga revolves around historical miniature wargaming, a tale woven with precision and honor. Yet, we yearned to paint a new legend, one drenched in the hues of fantasy, SciFi, and the aftermath of apocalypse. Thus, TheAltRealm was born - a sacred ground where Fantasy, SciFi, and Post Apocalyptic gamers, both those who traverse RPG realms and those who command miniatures, can unite under one banner.

The Name that Resonates - TheAltRealm
"TheAltRealm" isn't merely a title; it's a portal to new dimensions. Our genesis lay in historical wargaming, but here, we dared to create anew. An alternate realm, if you will. Moreover, the universe conspired to intertwine fate with initials, for "AR" proudly represents the owner. A serendipitous alignment that we embrace with joy.

A Haven by the Emory River
Nestled in the tranquil embrace of Harriman, Tennessee, our workshop stands as a tribute to creativity and the flowing currents of inspiration. Situated alongside the Emory River, its gentle whispers infuse our work with beauty and serenity, shaping artifacts that echo the splendor of our surroundings.

Creators and Curators, All in One
Are we resellers? Indeed. Are we manufacturers? Absolutely. A fusion of these roles defines us. We offer an array of revered gaming brands, from games to miniatures to accessories. Yet, our true magic lies in crafting. Behold the terrain that springs to life, the miniatures that embody legends, the paint racks and stations that cradle dreams - all birthed from our ateliers. Laser cutting, resin casting, metal casting - these are our tools, wielded with skill and heart. The whir of laser machines, the alchemy of resin, the transformation of metal - all orchestrated here in Harriman, Tennessee.

In this grand tapestry, you'll find the threads of The Alternate Realm intricately woven with passion and expertise. From gamer to gamer, creator to creator, we invite you to be part of this journey.